Thursday, August 19, 2010

memories . . .

Many of your probably don't know this, and this probably isn't the "right" place to disclose this, but my dad was diagnosed with melanoma about 3 years ago.  He has battled through this disease with so much dignity and character and peace, it is unbelievable!  As his melanoma has invaded its way into his lymph system, the prognosis is not good.  Currently, they are giving him a few weeks to a year to continue his journey on this earth.  A few weeks ago, we were able to spend some time with him and my mom on the Oregon coast, one of his favorite places.  I am not a big landscape photographer, but while we were there, I was taking some pictures of the kids and he said, "Karie, look!  Would you get a picture of that?"  

So I did.  

This is it . . . 

and I love it!

This pictures will forever remind me of my hero, my dad.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful photograph and you will always treasure the memory that goes along with it.

    My prayers will be with you and your family.
